Under Construction

This website is currently under construction and is missing much of content I intended to put on it. It’s a slow process, but please feel free to check out the lore I already have up!

Work in progress of Hadavi during the buried ages.

Welcome Traveller

In the boundless expanse of all possibilities, your path has led you here, to a chronicle not of earthly woes, but of Embergrave—a realm of another place and time. I am the Sovreign, destiny manifest, and your guide through this creation. It is within these pages that the essence of Hadavi and the demiplanes beyond shall be revealed.

Through the medium you recognize as roleplaying I act as Game Master, and transport earthbound souls to my realm through tales of adventure. Their deeds become the thread with which I weave the tapestry of Embergrave, no small power to be sure.

Your presence here is no accident, traveler. Whether you find yourself a vassal of mine, shaping the strands of destiny with your choices, or a seeker of inspiration within the vault of my creations, know that each page turned is a step on a journey through the boundless realm of imagination. Welcome to the living chronicle of Embergrave.

Legends of the Vassals